Inspection Reports
Our most recent Ofsted inspection was in February 2020. We are pleased to report that the school maintained its Good rating.
Key points from the report
• Pupils enjoy coming to this school. They understand the importance of their school’s values of ‘Love, Respect and Courage’.
• Leaders have high expectations for every child. As a result, pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics.
• Pupils feel safe at school. Pupils are friendly, and get on and work together well.
• Parents believe staff ‘go above and beyond’ for their children.
• There are many opportunities to practise newly-learned skills.
• Pupils enjoy learning outside in their grounds or on school residential trips.
• They enjoy the many after-school clubs that staff run. These include gardening club, Pokémon club, and a variety of sports activities.
• Every member of staff enjoys working at the school.
Please click on the link below to see the latest Ofsted report in full.
Ofsted Report 2016
Our most recent SIAMS inspection was in 2016 and the school was graded Good.
Key points from the report
• The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Bramley as a Church of England school are good
• Explicit Christian values have become more firmly established throughout the school community and impact on the quality of relationships and children’s attitudes towards learning.
• The introduction of big questions in collective worship is creating opportunities for children to explore Bible stories in greater depth.
• The headteacher, together with senior leaders and governors, have ensured that the Christian ethos has made significant progress since the previous inspection.
Please click on the link below to see the latest SIAMS Church School Report.
Bramley SIAMS Report