School Council

A key aspect of the emotional health of our children is being given the opportunity to speak up about issues that are important to them, to have their opinions valued and respected and to be able to influence decisions that affect their community and experience.

To this end, the children of Bramley School take their School Council very seriously and many put considerable effort and ingenuity into running for election each term.

Some quotes from previous prospective candidates:

“I would be good because I am a friendly and sensitive person who enjoys helping others.”

“I want to be on the School Council to help my friends and to help make my school better.”

“What makes a good class representative? Being a good listener, having patience and good ideas.”

The School Council meets weekly to discuss matters raised by individual children. It gathers and reports the views of the consensus back to the Head of School on whole school initiatives, and often suggests improvements, or feeds back opinions on behalf of peers, auditing different areas of the curriculum.

In the Hall, Representatives display information about projects that are the focus of School interest and give feedback on the outcomes of meetings.