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At Bramley Church of England Primary School we aim to create a welcoming and supportive learning environment where children feel happy and safe. We place high priority on good attendance and punctuality, so that all children are able to get the very best from their time at school. 



Our school attendance target is 96%

We know that getting your children into school some days can be really challenging! We are incredibly grateful to all of the families who help their children to achieve their best by supporting them into school on those difficult days!

Attendance of below 90% is classed as persistently absent - this is an average of one day off every two weeks. 



The link below wil take you directly to the Government website for more up to date information on parent fines for unauthorised absence from school:


There is further guidance and advice for parents on school absence and penalty notices from Hampshire County Council 

Advice for Parents - Penalty notices


Absence Requests

If you would like to request absence from school for your child/ren, please print and complete the form below or request a copy from the school office. 

Information on penalty notices 2025

Leave of absence form 2025