Year 6

Welcome to Year 6
In Year 6 we build on the learning developed throughout the children’s time in school to build resilient, reflective children who work hard, want to show their best and are confident in their skills across the curriculum. 
We work hard to ensure the children are fully prepared for the Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in May whilst ensuring that we cover a broad and rich curriculum which excites and interests the pupils.

Throughout the year, our topics include: Darwin’s Diaries, Enterprise, Epic Explorers and Ancient Greece - we study the facts of these subjects and then apply them to our writing and broader curriculum. Children also experience some incredible and memorable opportunities in Year 6 with a residential at PGL, visiting Winchester Cathedral and performing at the Haymarket Theatre.

Throughout the year, we also lay the necessary foundations to ensure a smooth transition into secondary school. We work closely with local schools to ensure the change is as easy as possible for the children and we promote the exciting opportunities that secondary schools provide.

Year 6 Parent information evening September 2023

This term we are learning about...

Sensational Circuits