Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Year 5 is the stepping stone used to secure learning skills before Year 6, essential to this is independence and perseverance. We support the children through the Autumn term to become more independent in their approach to their learning: having a go and seeing what they can do rather than waiting for an adult’s support. We also work on helping the children to join together lots of their learning from across the school, remembering strategies and information to apply to our topics.

The children in Year 5 learn all about the solar system, looking at famous scientists and their discoveries in space.
Our Geography focus topics link to life in the Rainforest: the eco-systems and habitats as well as investigating how it is in danger and what we can do to stop deforestation. We also study 
India as a contrasting culture - learning about lifestyles, the music and their food. During our History topics, we go back to the Stone Age where we we look at the differences between life then and now, culminating with the ultimate question - Do the children think they could survive the Stone Age? We also study the British Monarchy, discussing which monarch made the most positive impact on our society and why.Our final summer topic considers the 

Year 5 is a fantastic year on both an educational and personal level for the children, ensuring they are fully ready for their exciting final year at Bramley!

Year 5 Parent information evening September 2023

This term we are learning about...

Film - Is it Magic?

Reading Information

At our recent Reading Outcome event, we share information to support with reading at home. The slides are linked below, including the recommended reading list for Year 5.