Year 4

Welcome to Year 4
In Year 4 we continue to develop the children’s ability to problem solve and develop strategies to overcome the different challenges. Children play an active role in their learning. We encourage them to think about their own progress in all areas of the curriculum and evaluate how they can improve, helping them become reflective learners. One aspect of this is developing independence using resources to scaffold children’s learning. Throughout the year, we put a great emphasis on a positive attitude to challenge, so that children learn to face it, embrace it and go for it!

Our Geography topics in Year 4 focus on Volcanoes and where they are most likely to occur in the world, as well as the living earth in our Tree of Life topic. We have 4 exciting History topics where we study The Olympics, life in Ancient Rome, The Ancient Maya and then a gruesome term focusing on the Vikings. An exciting year where we learn a lot about how the world has developed. 

Year 4 Parent information evening September 2023

This term we are learning about...

The Tree of Life


Reading Information

At our recent Reading Outcome event, we share information to support with reading at home. The slides are linked below, including the recommended reading list for Year 4.