Year 3

Welcome to Year 3
The transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two in Year 3 can be both exciting and uncertain for pupils and families, and at Bramley we start working towards it in good time, with visits to the new class, and Transition Booklets which enable children to discuss their hopes and concerns with new teachers and staff. We spend a lot of time at the start of the year building up the children’s independence and stamina for working, whilst also developing children’s confidence across all areas of the curriculum.

Throughout Year 3, we have a mixture of History, Geography and Science topics to drive our learning. We learn about Planet Earth, focussing on the formation of Rocks and Fossils, we also look at the Victorians and Ancient Egyptian periods of history. In Year 3, we also look at Light and Shadows 
and the story of a river's journey.

An exciting year with many different learning opportunities. 

Year 3 Parent information evening September 2023


This term we are learning about...

Lights, Camera, Action



Reading Information

At our recent Reading Outcome event, we share information to support with reading at home. The slides are linked below, including the recommended reading list for Year 3.

Year 3 Reading Presentation