Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
In Year 2, we work hard to develop the skills our children have already begun to learn on their journey through the school. These include phonics, reading, writing in sentences and number work. We also build upon what they have learnt in their topics to ensure children can make links between the concepts they study.

Through the year, we cover topics such as: The Great Fire of London, Around the World in 60 Days - looking at where the continents are and we look closely at the habitats in the different continents and what animals live there as a result. Year 2 also learn about The Titanic, what humans and animals need to survive and Through the Decades - where we learn about the changes which have taken place in this country since the 1950s. It is a fun mix of History, Geography and Science as our topic drivers.

Year 2 Parent information evening September 2023


This term we are learning about...

I'm a Survivor!



Reading Information

Thank you to those who attended the Reading Outcome event. Here are the slides and information we shared.

Please aim to read 5 times each week with your child.

Reading Presentation