Year 1

Welcome to Year 1
In Year 1 we work hard to make sure the children have a smooth transition from Year R. We build on their learning experiences and work in a similar way to Year R for the first term whilst developing their independent learning skills and ensuring they make progress in all the different areas of the new curriculum. We put a great emphasis on outdoor learning and make sure children have plenty of opportunities to explore and engage outside with their friends as well as take part in learning activities.

Our topics over the year include: Beautiful Bramley, Nurturing Nurses, Amazing Aviation, Awesome Australia, Our Kingdom and Through the Decades.


In our topic work, why try to link the key ideas to children's real lives and experiences as much as we can as well as trying to broaden their understanding of the world. We use lots of pictures, hands on resources and discussion to help the children to gain the knowledge and skills of the subject. 

We have lots of fun in Year 1 and love to learn and play together.

Year 1 Parent information evening September 2023

This term we are learning about

Awesome Australia

Reading Information

Thank you to those who attended the Reading Outcome event. Here are the slides and information we shared.

Please aim to read 5 times each week with your child.

Reading Information Presentation